Sunday, November 7, 2010

They're Comin Home

Do you remember THIS post?? What a sad day it was.... our dear friends (and inspiration) were moving to Alaska. I was sure I would never get to see them again except for blog and facebook pictures. After all, its not often we get to travel up to the frozen tundra. They sold all of their belongings, gave away all their precious keepsakes and basically left the continental united states with just some clothes and books....

After almost 2 years in ministry God has made a way for them to return back home, surrounded by the ones they love. Now a family of 9, they are 2 days into their transcontinental monumental road trip. By Thanksgiving they will be home bound. In the meantime you can read all about their amazing journey, their preparation in traveling with that many children all on her blog HERE....

And you can rejoice with me when they finally landed in the South!!!



  1. Wow! That is going to be some trip. But how wonderful for you to get your friends "back".
    I hope they document their travels back. I'm sure it will be a story to tell.

  2. YAY...for your friends coming home. I wanted to let you know I gave you a blog award. You can get the details over at my blog. :)



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