Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hey You

I know I have a faithful few followers, I just added a new feature to the right that will now allow you to officially follow me. I would love to officially know who reads my random thoughts and never boring life...... Let me know how it goes and thanks for always reading

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday Monday...

Another monday has come and gone! Can you believe this is the LAST week in October?? Where did the time go? Our home was buzzing with activity today. It was a bit hairy as all Mondays tend to be, and my patience was tucked all nice and warm in my bed instead of inside my soul, but I pray tomorrow will pan out a bit differently. Despite foul moods,strong west winds  and frigid weather we accomplished a lot. The girls finished their Indian Village and await the final grade by daddy. We summed up our chart with information we gathered and now know,did a challenge and will end tomorrow with a spelling/vocabulary test.
 We started our new Character study on obedience and read the WHOLE book of Jonah (you can close your mouth, the book of Jonah is very very short...1 page front and back) we answered questions pertaining to Jonah and how he did or didn't obey Gods command and what happened to him. Tomorrow will be the story of David and Goliath followed by mini-book making for our lapbooks. The girls had fun asking questions about life in the belly of a whale, since I never personally experienced such joy, I tried my best to answer correctly.
 Math was done, reviewed and happily put away. We also touched on the Pilgrims, Separatists and Saints and explained the difference. Our unit study on the mayflower will begin mid-week. Among the chaos, screams, naps and feeding time we had our weekly visits by our speech therapists for Noah... all morning... at different times. It went well considering I was on the phone fighting with paypal and trying to sell more things on ebay.
 Molly and Noah had a pre-dinner digging excavation outside. Crickets are a hot commodity and are highly sough after. Mason jars are turned into mini-motels for those ugly little guys and the babies giggle with glee when they see them hop around. YUCK!!
 Little Miss Muffet discovered her love for the slide but since she has not mastered her new hobby I must stand their and guide her down. Her little cheeks look like they will just pop out of her face because she is so happy.
 Dinner was quick and chaotic followed by a brisk walk with hubby... It was nice to be alone with him while we walked our block and froze our noses off. We discussed important pro-life issues and todays Focus on the Family program. I pray for all those little souls that will never get to see the light of day. The walk was nice and refreshing and MUCH needed.
 On my return home, babies were changed into warm,fuzzy,cozy jammies and playtime was returned along with showers and down time. Little girls had nails polished with polk-a-dots and glitter. Jason put the babies to bed and the girls and I read aloud from our book.
That leaves me at the computer tonight finishing up my days work. I look forward to my bed,my books and a nice long winters slumber. 

Our Pumpkin Parade

Yesterday we spent the night carving and "planting" our pumpkin seeds. We had a blast and can't believe we carved our second years worth of pumpkins in Sc. Life is good!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Thoughts

With the elections coming up my mind has been racing!! So many ads, signs and low-blow ad campaigns have been flooding my eyesight. I fear for this country and where it could be headed in the next 4 years. So many people have been fooled or are blinded by money. When it all comes down to it its all revolving about money. My husband and I were running errands yesterday and our chatter led to a deep discussion of America. We are spoiled bratty little children. How far we have come from those early colonials who risked their lives and everything they had to freely worship the Lord. Now in this day and age we are willing to risk everything we have to push God out. We are willing to sell our souls for a few extra dollars in our pockets. But lets be honest... do you think we will get those dollars? Can our class president from High School REALLY get us Filet Mignon for lunch every day? He promised to during election time. He stroked us with fancy words and bleached smiles but in the end their really is only so much He could do. The bible says in Matthew 6:19-21 not to store up treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy but store up treasures in heaven no one can take it away. For where your treasure is... there your heart will be also...
Timothy 6:9-10 also says "People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge man into ruin and destruction.For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, some people eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many grief..."
 What does this have to do with elections??? EVERYTHING!! Don't vote your pocketbook, vote your morals. If people respect the sanctity of marriage, respect the life of others, respect the Lord as ruler of all and base their decisions on THAT, we will turn this country around therefore pleasing the Lord and receive His blessings which will pour out of heaven. His blessings are above and beyond ANYTHING a human could promise us.
2 Chronicles 7:14 CLEARLY  states..." If my people, who are called by my name, will seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land."
 WOW what a profound statement. There has never been greater a time than now for a healing in this country... from the economy,environment and morally.
Lets think of our children, our grandchildren... what kind of world do you want for them? What kind of moral choices do you want them to see? What is right and wrong will no longer be black and white if we continue to chip away. There will be no more peace and contentment if we live in a world where everything goes. When will this end? Where do we draw the line?
 My hearts prayer is that people don't look to humans to be their "savior" from financial ruin or for a better economy. When has man ever done things great? We still have wars...fighting killing. In fact its only gotten worse. We need to look up towards heaven and start healing this land. We need to vote what is right and we will see CHANGE!! True change, change only God can give. He is known  as the prince of PEACE... and boy do we need that!
 One day everyone will stand before the Lord. Whether you believe in him now or not. Everyone dies, everyone goes before Him. I never want to stand in His presence and have to give an account for my wrong decisions. When asked where my heart lies... I want Him to see that it stays with the "good."
 So before you go to the poles really think about your decision. Your vote does not simply count for 4 years, it counts for eternity (whether you want to acknowledge that or not) It counts for your children, born, unborn or half born. It counts towards the wishes and prayers of our forefathers, and the true desires of our hearts.
 We are SOO blessed to live in a country so rich even though we seem to struggle. We have food, freedom and life. Lets keep it that way and continue getting the blessings we deserve before its too late.

Susie Q's Night Of Fun!!!

The GapGirl and her better Half
DiscoDiva and Mark
Another Name Im called by my UCM and Ruth Girls
The Birthday Girl and I

Brian and Mindy
My Handsome Hubba-hubba
Amy B.
Trying to light ALL those candles.lol
The Birthday girl,Discodiva in red and Gregan

We were invited to my friends 40th birthday party!! Susan, a close neighbor and friend turned 40 years young yesterday surrounded by all the people in Greenville that loved and cared for her. What a fun night. Husbands got to meet other husbands for the first time, good food was partaken in and DiscoDiva and I got another night of chatting and laughing (She SOOO wanted to bust a move in the dining room. She took her position by XM radio and tapped to the beat) Here are some pictures of the night, good friends and lots of laughs! Enjoy!

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Day Of Crafts...

Today we finished up a couple of lessons we have been working on. Monday we started our first Character quality... CHEERFULNESS! We discussed ways to be cheerful even when we didn't want to, we memorized bible verses pertaining to Cheerfulness and we made mini-books for our lapbooks which the girls assembled today. Every week we will study another character quality and create a lapbook to reference back on.
 We also finished up our Native American study. The girls are now making their very own Native American village! This is a project they were SO excited about starting. Last night I had some free time and money so I walked up and down the lovely aisles of Acmoore collecting items that could be used for our authentic village. Its a rainy cold day today so I have some candles lit, the fireplace on and hot chocolate on the stove. What a way to spend a friday.
 While they painted and cut and drew I read aloud to them from the book we have been reading called..."A Journey to The New World." its a diary from a 12 year old girl aboard the Mayflower and her first-hand experience. We enjoy our read aloud time together and this book will smoothly transition us into the Pilgrims and American Colony life...(Our Next Unit Study)
 I hope you enjoy the pictures and I will be sure to post pictures of their finished masterpieces soon!!!
P.s. Start working on your hands!!! The tree will be on the wall by this weekend=)))

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Favorite things...

One of my favorite blogs to read...(believe it or not I only read a select few...too much garbage out there) is written by a christian homeschooling mother of 9. Yes I said N-I-N-E. Her kids range in age from 19-1. They live on 200 acres in Iowa, Buy wheat and food in bulk.... NOT Sams or Costco bulk, but big 25lb brown bags of grain, wheat berries, cornmeal and rice. They recently converted their living room into a "pioneer life" school room for the kids. They build cement fire pits in their yard, cook from scratch, have a farm, milk the cows and who knows what else. Life in their home is never boring. On their down time they trample through the creek and catch frogs. The older girls create new recipes in the kitchen and look forward to their Aunt coming over for tea parties and family song time. They seem happy and content. Fulfilled with the natural things God has given them. No, they are not dorks, nerds, herbs or whatever else might come to your mind. They have embraced innocence. Something we Americans love to toss out the window. We are too busy competing with the neighbors, building bigger homes and pointing fingers. In our quest to find success, money and happiness we have stumbled deeper into depressions and addictions. Perhaps we need to look back a few hundred years before tv, fancy cars and iphones. Perhaps the answers to our problems lay in the past. Where hard work, brow sweat and a solid Faith in God made up a days work.
 I seek this same contentment for my kids. Slowly weeding out the unnecessary things of this world and incorporating more of the world God gave us. My quest has been successful so far... even more so for me. I challenge you to do the same. You will be surprised to see how well you really do!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Kitchen Nightmares

Ok, I might be exaggerating on the title but for those of you that have painted and have been confused about colors can relate to my obsessions. This past weekend Dear hubby and I decided to make our house more of a home by adding some color. A million dollars later, 2 heart attacks, one panic attack, a plea prayer and some tears,... I settled on a color and figured out how to incorporate it into my open floor plan. These pictures are not the finished product. Trim still needed to be done and one strip of wall to the left of the fridge needed to be painted but you get the picture. I love how it turned out!!! Now this makes the rest of the downstairs look so unfinished! Off to Lowes we go this week to get some more paint and make our living room shine!!! I can't wait to get it all done. In true Gap Girl fashion I will second guess my choices, hate the color for about 10 minutes and then realize its the best little red house in the world. If only I could come to that conclusion BEFORE I hyperventilate in my brown bag. Sigh....

Friday, October 17, 2008

Here are some early morning pictures complete with Jammies and bed head... all taken by non other than Hannah herself. My photo loving fanatic.

Good Golly Miss Molly

Little Miss Molly has her own way of dealing with things. For instance, She has been obsessed with drawing pictures of me and Jason with "babies in my belly." Today I have 4 in my belly. She was quite excited for me to have so many. Her next picture was of me holding a baby next to Jason. She is so cute, But I really hope she is not prophetic!!!!!!

Thanksgiving State Of Mind...

Last week I gathered the kids around the table and handed them some small turkeys and maple leaves made out of construction paper. I asked them to think of the word Thanksgiving and write down some of the first things that come to mind. Here are some of the results. Now my back door is covered in "gobble gobbles" and I have a constant reminder of what makes this season so special for my kids.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Lovely Afternoon

Today my "Disco Diva" and "Medicated Mommy" came over for coffee and treats!!! Coffee cake, warm fruit bars and Harvesty pumpkin bead were served over fun conversation and "real" thoughts. It is always nice to know there are girls out there that think the same as you. Most won't admit it or even think about talking about it openly but not these ladies. We giggled and confessed and had fun. Our kids played together and we ate some more.
 Perhaps we will get together soon to "view" homes, wonder about post-marital kissing and correct our grammar (or lack of it?) In any case one can only hope!=)

Comforting Words

I received this email this morning. Its a great reminder when we worry about our world, where its headed and these insane elections coming up:

10 Top Predictions No Matter Who wins This Election.

1.   The Bible will still have all the answers.
2.   Prayer will still work.
3.   The Holy Spirit will still move.
4.   God will still guide His people.
5.   There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6.   There will still be singing of praise to God.
7.   God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8.   There will still be room at the Cross.
9.   Jesus will still love you.
10. Jesus will still save the lost when they come to Him.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bountiful Harvest

This entry below was taken from one of my favorite (and very few) blogs I read. They are a family of 13 with their next awesome addition due in March. They are a homeschooling, christian, loving family to say the least. I can only pray I show the love that they have to my children each and every day. Enjoy this article... and who knows? Maybe you will see pictures of us with our first Elk!! Its in the works so get ready =)))

“An harvest of the best, what needs ye more?” -Anne Bradstreet

Most hunters recognize there are more reasons to go hunting than the meat. Retreat into the mountains is therapeutic, an escape from the sterility and monotony of business-as-usual. The Jeubs treat hunting as a family event. Three of my children came this year (Cynthia, Lydia and Isaiah) and my dad traveled from Minnesota for his first-ever elk hunt. While Grandma stayed at home with Wendy and the rest of the children, we five huddled close together in our outfitters tent for the 3-day hunt.

Lydia and I shot the elk, the only elk any of us had a shot at all weekend. I sensed Cynthia feeling the pressure (the older sister thing) to get herself an elk, but the exhaustion was getting to her. All hunters struggle against impatience and disappointment, but she was feeling like she was disappointing me. Sensing this as we sat under an aspen tree waiting for elk to walk out in front of us, I said, “You know how much of our hunt has to do with elk? None. One-hundred percent of this has to do with us being together.”

I brought a signed copy of Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and read some of the chapters to my dad and kids for evening devotions. The opening of the book starts with a pursuit of a bull elk that is quite exciting, but never ends with the typical “shoot ‘em up” conclusion you’d think of a hunting story. Eldredge surprises the reader by saying…

“My hunt, you see, actually has little to do with elk. I knew that before I came. There is something else I am after, out here in the wild. I am searching for an even more elusive prey…something that can only be found through the help of wilderness. I am looking for my heart.”

The heart of the Jeub hunt is family. Huddling around the campfire to stay warm at night, playing cards in the tent, the simple conversations in the woods, working together to cook up Sunday morning breakfast…these are memories that were discovered as they happened. Sure, watching Lydia stalk her elk was wildly exciting, but you know my favorite time of the weekend? The giddy laughter in the tent as Grandpa kicked all our tails at a spunky game of Thirteen.

Our harvest is now wrapped up in our freezer and ready to eat this winter. God is good in granting us a bountiful harvest of elk steaks, roasts, sausage and burger. But the best harvest was experiencing the wild together as a family. Can’t wait till next year.

More pictures… Read the rest of this entry »

Monday, October 13, 2008

I was looking through my iphoto's today and came across these funny pictures taken by my kids this past summer. Hannah has an obsession with my camera..(I wonder where she gets that from hmm?) whenever I go to download some pictures, I usually have an over abundance of funny candid shot taken by her. I Thought you  would enjoy these as well. I remember this day very clearly. It was close to evening, a storm was rumbling in the distance. They were jumping off any surface they could climb onto. I have to admit... these are good pictures. How fast the time goes. Feels like only yesterday I heard the thumps and screams of their fall.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Family Portraits.

Well, We have our date to take family portraits at the beautiful park and bridge downtown. I can't wait. Im super excited!!! The last time we had them done I only had 2 kids... loooong time ago.
 Our photographer is a friend from my Upstate Christian Moms group. She has the cutest daughter and is expecting another one in January.
 Check out her work and the locations where we will be shooting at www.Lilaarmockphotography.com

Book her soon while the leaves at Falls Park are changing and all the mums are in bloom. Will post pictures of our session soon...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Apple Fritters and Fall

Yesterday I made the most delicious home-made apple fritters. They were so yummy. Just like funnel cake but with pieces of sweet apples in them!!! They were quick and easy and FUN!!! I am also starting to decorate outside with fall decor. I have a long way to go but Im hoping to be done by next week. ~Apple Fritters~

2 cups self rising flour
3 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs well beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups tart apples, chopped

Sift together dry ingredients. Gradually add beaten eggs and milk combined. Refrigerate batter for about 2 hours. Stir in the apples. Drop by tablespoon into hot oil and fry until golden brown. Roll in powdered sugar or a sugar/cinnamon combination.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Evil Villian And the Super Hero

Today was quite an interesting day at our house. Who am I kidding... all days are interesting. With 5 kids we can never know whats going to happen next. It all started around the dinner table. We started chatting about Halloween over our delicious chicken pot pie. Molly was not shy about telling everyone she wanted to be a fire ant for halloween. Her obsession with "hurting" people just keeps growing. Jason and I tried to explain to her that we can't get her  a costume that even resembles a red ant, so she quickly thought of something else. "FINE! I want to be a bumble Bee so I can sting people..." she was quite pleased with herself for coming up with a possible character. I told her if she finished all her dinner we would go try on one bumble bee suit we had in my bedroom. Dinner was quickly scarfed down and off we went for the fitting.
 BAM! The moment the last button was snapped and the zipper was zipped a real live bumble bee emerged from my little brown eyed girl. She buzzed and held out her "stinger" and began attacking everyone at the table. The other kids screeched and screamed as she zig-zagged from one chair to another attacking her prey and making sure they were "eaten" by the bee.
In pure daddy-like fashion, he quickly picked up the kiddie broom and battled the ferocious insect. His broom against her stinger. Bam, whack, boom. Right in the kitchen they battled it out... no one backing down. The bee got away and chased down the older girls who were now in the living room. BAM, next thing I know both girls are on the ground and this precious killer bee was stinging and "biting" them. Making sure they were down for the count.
 Noah kept asking where his costume was... we don't have one yet. Poor boy, felt so left out. So I did something that any mother would do. left the house a mess, packed up my four kids and my yellow bug and headed to Target to buy him one. Superman became the winner. We arrived home and the caped crusader came flying in to rescue the princesses from the evil bee. Up and down our block (in the dark mind you) screams of terror and joy were heard. The bee chased down the kids but only for a moment. Before we could blink our eyes SUPERMAN flew out of the sky and beat the villain at her own game. He shouted the words..."Yur it moddy.." and off she went. Abby was laughing in delight and Jason and I were in tears. We could not stop laughing. Surely this was a moment we will never forget.
 How blessed we are to be visited by a fairy, bee, and superman all in one week. I wonder what tomorrow will bring. Life is good!

A Fairy Came To Visit...

The strangest thing happened today. The kids and I were playing when all of a sudden this little fairy princess came floating down the stairs. She floated past the couch and landed right in our living room!!!
She sprinkled fairy dust and sunshine around... then the oddest thing happened... she turned into a little grumpy old troll who I'm sure lived under a bridge!! She screamed and thrashed around. We all scattered and ran for safety in fear of what might happen next. All of a sudden her eyes spotted a ball. Her roaring stopped as she picked it up and looked it over. Could it be? A magic ball? A ball that turns grumpy ol' trolls back into fairy princesses??? Soon the little princess was restored back to her happy self. We all breathed a sigh of relief and came out of hiding. The kingdom was safe once again. Before we knew what was happening she floated up in the air and flew away.
 Strange things are always happening in our home....


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