Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Last Year Easter 2008
Last year Little Miss Muffet was 10 months old and as cute as a button. She was just a spectator at the Springs most important holiday. This year things have changed!!!
 Yesterday I dumped my bag of saved eggs and lost count at 213!! My closet is full of scrumptious easter jelly beans and chocolate. In two days my visiting friend and I will stuff these babies and run through the dark hiding eggs for my annual "block" Easter egg hunt. I sent out all the emails and warned the neighbors not to shoot me us if they should see some blond shadows running on their property in the middle of the night. I can't wait. Im so excited. So far we have 10 yes's, 1 maybe and 2 I still need to speak with. We also have 2 babies under 12 months that will be watching in hopes that they too can soon join the fun!
 Now Im off, not only do I have to stuff those eggs but I promised the church I would stuff 3 dozen more for the church egg hunt this weekend. TONIGHT!! I better get crackin. (hee hee)
  How Egg-xiting!
 P.s. Your welcome to join me in the fun. This Saturday, my front lawn 9:30 a.m.  sharp!!!  =)


  1. I just bought some new ones because I cannot find my old ones but now that I have the new ones I know the old ones will show up...that is just how it goes.

    Happy egg stuffing!

    Have A Wonderful Wednesday
    from Roberta Anne



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