Thursday, January 17, 2013

We are SOOOO Happy!

I give up! I wave my white (stained) flag and fully surrender to the Gods of a clean house.

Alright, calm down all you Jesus freaks. I don't really believe in other Gods... especially ones who specialize and grant wishes answer prayers about clean houses...

(Um...if there is such a thing please feel free to private message me k?)

But I do surrender. Fully. Totally. And with a defeated heart.

And a part of me doesn't.Give.A.Darn.

Its me against 7. 14 little hands to outdo anything my big 2 hands can put together.

No sleep due to the 5 month old and his obsession with his momma...

Mt. Laundry that I have chosen to dust rather than fold...

Cluttered counters and dried soaking dishes...

A cat drinking out of the toilet because someone didn't do their chores...

(and a wet toilet seat)

And if I trip over ONE MORE TOY... 

Can I get an AMEN from all you mothers out there?

Oh, I KNOW your out there...

I see your pictures on facebook...

But thats ok. Im gritting my teeth learning to accept my new normal. Biting my lip embracing the dirt and praising the Lord remembering that my kids will only be little for eternity a moment...

No, seriously...

I plead 7. And learning a BIG lesson that houses don't have to be perfectly clean at all times of the day. And going to bed with work still to be done is fine... after all, I can bet my five cents life savings it WILL be there in the morning...

And like the saying goes...

My kids are hopefully happy!

Trouble is our favorite family game.

We know what Link The Cat's lost whiskers fur looks like under the microscope.

Digger wasps can be identified and promptly killed.

Play-doh does come out of carpets.

Heat Changes is bad...BAD!


And we, my dear friends....

are seriously delirious...

Have a GREAT day!!!




  1. Cracking up.
    Baby boys are sooo much harder than baby girls for me. lol
    You will get through, because you are amazing!
    Praying for you and I think your house will be just fine if it is a little messy!

  2. Yep, it's just the way things are when there are kids around. I have 3 and the messes, oh my!



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