Sunday, April 26, 2009

Seriously Solar

I found a new project!! As if I don't have enough on my plate, I have decided to spend my night hours studying the ins and outs of a solar oven on the internet. My blogger friend/mommy of 9 has had one for quite some time and Im simply drooling over her cardboard and aluminum foil goodness.
So without further ado I give you a picture of what I hope will soon be created. All ovens look different depending on the artist, I mean... person putting it together. I have some homesteading books I plan on reading tonight and hopefully by months end... One will be in the works.
Right now our #1 priority is getting our garden assembled. We finally agreed on a location and have our boards laid out. Now to wait for Jason to screw them together and fill with luscious soil. WHen will that be you wonder??? Not for a few days at least. Much to my dismay our schedules are pretty packed and it will probably not happen till friday. I will rush it on friday and have my precious plants in their new home before midnight... no matter what. I draw the line on friday. Until then I will nurse them along and watch the rest of my flowers grow.
We decided to plant some peach trees.... dwarf peach trees... shhh don't tell anyone. Im not sure if we are even allowed to have them in our neighborhood but we are going for it anyway. We need 2 or more for them to survive. They will cross-pollinate each other. Only one tree will die. But their are many fruit trees that are self pollinating.
This won't be for a while yet as hubby and I are debating over which trees to get. He wants the insta-orchid for over $100 which Im not willing to part with for trees and I want the smaller ones at Lowes for $40 (for 2) we will have to wait a few years before they produce anything. Im patient. Im willing to wait. We shall see.
This evening was perfect. Hubby finished mulching and that gave me an excuse to hang out in my front yard admiring my little red house. I do love it so. Nothing gives me more pleasure than my family and this house. The kids ran up and down the street till their feet turned black(really black) and then we all went upstairs to wash up before bed. Now the house is quite and my books are beside me ready to be studied. I will also be researching sprouting beans... don't ask. I have no idea what that means. But I want to do it and eat them for lunch!!!
Tomorrow is a busy day. I have to squeeze in RE-PLANTING my strawberry bushes. I got so caught up in the dirt this weekend that I forgot that strawberry and raspberry plants CANNOT be planted next to each other as they carry diseases that is harmful to the other. All that work in vain. Oh well, just another excuse to hang out with "fred" (our pet bumble bee) SO tomorrow the Strawberries will be moved to the other side of the yard. Ugh... a gardeners work is never done ;)


  1. Wow you are a busy lady today. That oven looks really interesting.

    Roberta Anne

  2. Wow! Way cool. We are going to have to talk about this. I really want to make one too!!!! If you think about it send me some links for good info! Can't wait to see more updates!!!!



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