Sunday, December 4, 2011

Summing Up

CHRISTmas is in full swing and I am so excited. I had to take a picture of my church this morning. I could not capture the whole stage in my lens, and the beauty really cannot be fully enjoyed from this picture...
But it was beautiful and sparkly and CHRISTmas-y! I love it!!

My Blogging has been a minimum (shamefully sorry) but I really have been so busy with all sorts of events and programs and F-U-N holiday happenings.

A bittersweet event, was our Evening of Enrichment at our co-op for the fall semester. All the classes worked so hard on their projects and plays and MUSICALS!! It was a sanctuary filled with beaming parents, flashes and laughs. Of course, we had to remove a few of our children for various noises fighting but we enjoyed it none-the-less. Next semester classes are picked out already and Secret Sisters were revealed!!! ( We leave little gifts every week for our "secret sister" and on the last day, we reveal who we are...) Both my older girls participate as well and its!! I have been collecting cool tissue paper and wrapping paper to make it even funner!!!

We won't officially meet again until after the New Year, but we have plans to meet up for coffee and chatting in between.
I mean, a girls gotta socialize right?? ;)

This is my Banana's cake that she worked so hard on! Isn't it prettyful?

And because Its been too long since I blogged about my 7th child... here is Link in his favorite spot. Unfortunately, my tree skirt is forever in shambles and the lower half of my tree looks a bit scarce do to his overworked paw... but we love him!!!

Last night we went to our sister church down the road and traveled back in time to BETHLEHEM. The kids L-O-V-E-D it. I mean, really.....
We had to take the census and pay our taxes to the Roman soldiers before we were allowed to enter.
We took the Cuz with us and all 9 of us really enjoyed the journey back to that ancient Holy town. Donkeys and camels were around.

My friend Marty was in the bakery and handed out the softest freshest bread. She attends our bible studies on wednesday night, so I wanted to go and support her and say Hi. After last night, this might just be a tradition...
The shepherds were in the fields watching their sheep and the blacksmiths were making nails. Out in the field we actually got to see a shooting star!! It turns out their was a mini-meteor shower going on so we were so blessed to be able to capture it on such a clear night!

We also helped the cuz with his Christmas tree... 9 opinions picking out decorations made for endless entertainment.

This weekend was festive to say the least. Our December calendar is chock-full of events!! Blue ink EVERYWHERE!! And the best part is, its with people we love and family events. Nothing makes me sadder than having to be spread apart and spread thin for Christmas. We have our list and we are checking it twice...

and we pray you all are able to capture the resin for the season as well!!!

With school lightening up, I hope to blog more...but those are my most famous last words aren't they??




1 comment:

  1. So good to catch up!
    Tell Banana great job on the cake!
    Miss you.



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