Friday, May 21, 2010


My weekend is busy busy busy!!! I have so much to do... so, I thought I would make a list to help my dear little jam-packed preggo brain remember.

I know what your thinking...

"That girl needs to clean that living room first!"

Well that was done yesterday. It was getting out of hand. I would clean it all up and a few hours later it looked like the picture above. I can't take it!!! Im tempted to throw everything out... but thats another post.

Anyway, back to my busy weekend list.

1) get off the computer
2) get dressed (including kids) and feed them
3) go p/u a present for a little 5 yr old boy (with kids)
4) come home, clean the whole house
5) get kids presentable for said 5 yr old boys bday party
6)attend party
7)stop at store and p/u stuff for dinner
8) make sure house is clean and start dinner
9) wait for our friends to arrive who we have not seen in 3 YEARS!!!
10) catch up and eat and catch up (with pictures of coarse)
11) scrub dirty kids clean
12) pick out clothes for church


1) get off the computer
2)feed and dress everyone
3)head to church
4) figure out lunch and hang out with our visiting friends
5) say goodbye
6) collapse on the couch...

yup, thats about it. I have a lot to do but first, I MUST get off the computer!!!!



  1. Love that "get off the computer" first on your list. Mine too! LOL.

  2. I agree! I live on my computer between blogging, writing, Facebook, and school. Good luck!

  3. I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  4. LOLOL! I love the "collapse on a couch"...........

    :) That's what I am doing right now after this whole weekend.



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