Monday, June 14, 2010


What is up with this weather??? Down in the south we have been MELTING because of this heat wave that is passing thru our area and insists on hanging around. Average temps have been in the mid 90's with real feel of 104... (yesterday.) Even the pool is not as refreshing as it should be. Blech! I have been tuned to the weather channel in hopes that a thunderstorm and some rain to break this heat will be forecasted... but no such luck.
Yesterday evening after the sun settled a bit and shade was cast on our back patio, the kids ventured out and played with sidewalk chalk. Hubby and I relaxed in our screen porch with the ceiling fan on high and listened to the rolling thunder in the distance. Nearby towns got hit with some storms but they bypassed us. We enjoyed what little we heard but still could cut the heat and humidity with a knife!!!

Today we will remain behind the walls of our Little Red House. The heat is too much for me, even in the pool. I have a tendency of passing out in the heat and know these temps are too much for me right now. My kids are not happy (see, Molly was already in her bathing suit) but they have found ways to amuse themselves. They arranged and organized their crayons and played store so they could exchange between them all.

I also made a trip to Wal-mart on friday and stocked up on play-doh, bubbles, sidewalk chalk and some $5 movies. Prayerfully all of these "new" toys will help us conquer cabin fever...

Last night after the littles were tucked in bed, Emma ran around the neighborhood taking pictures of our beautiful Southern Sky. We have some awesome cloud formations down here (along with wicked weather) Aren't these pics beautiful? She is up in her room drawing them right now. What an artist!!!

I really shouldn't complain. Wacky weather has been happening all over our country. My heart is breaking for those Arkansas families who were traumatized in the floods and those that lost loved ones too.... Then during my weather channel stalkings, I heard about the flooding in Oklahoma City.
What is happening?? Sometimes I am so overwhelmed I don't even know what to pray for... But prayers must be said. Prayers for those families, those homes and for provisions. And prayers of Thanksgiving that we are not in a crisis such as that!!!!


  1. Our weather in Oregon has been weird as well. Spring came and there was still cold and rain. Time to plant gardens but nobody did. Saturday it was 82 and then Sunday came clouds but still warmer. My little garden is doing good, finally. Didn't plant as early as other people did. So will see what transpires with it all this year. We all are at the mercy of the weather and what God gives us. So I guess complaining isn't going to help us, huh? Love the updates on your blog as I've not been by for awhile. Take care!!

  2. The end is near! The Bible says this will happen in the last days. Come Quickly Lord Jesus!



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