Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Finished Product... Almost!

Here it is!! My first EVER finished crocheted blanket for my sweet P. I finished it yesterday afternoon and could not stop staring at it. The trim was not the exact trim I had wanted or envisioned but I had a really hard time finding a tutorial for exactly what I wanted so I settled for this one which was nice and easy!!
I just LOVE the colors and that green is amazing in person.
I called hubby at work and gave him my next colors to pick up since I would not be at the store. He brought me home chocolate brown and last night my fingers began. Im making another blanket which will be a bit bigger (since the one I just made was smaller than I wanted) and will have a different trim. Im going to add a border which will allow ribbon to be threaded thru and then a pink ruffle border after that and a big pink crochet rosette in the corner. Sounds awesome right?? I can't wait. I need to learn the rosette. Its a bit tricky. I will make 2. One for the green and pink blanket I just made and one for the chocolate one.

Then my next blanket will be a red and pink combo one since im really liking those colors together... I have a really cool idea for that one too. Several babies are being born/adopted in my church in the next few months so that will be a perfect way for me to keep up the crocheting (with an excuse=))

I have not forgotten about my knitting. I cannot find the match to my yarn for the life of me, so if by friday I still can't find it, I must start Emma's scarf over again. GAMECOCKS season is fast approaching (16 days) and I want her to have the scarf in time for the first kick off!!!

Hubby has a short work week this week. YIPPIE! He had some scheduled time off for a while and will still take it so I am really looking forward to spending a very long weekend. Friday is our shopping day which he will join us for and Saturday just him and I will tour the hospital where I will be delivering our latest addition. I have never delivered or seen the OB ward in this hospital and I can't wait.

Well I must be off. Im very cranky this morning and wish I could shake this horrid mood.... perhaps if I get off this computer and get the kids settled and quiet my mood will lift. One can hope right???


  1. Wow,beautiful.I really want to learn how to do that.Did you say you learned online?Good job!Love love it!Marla

  2. How cute is that blanket?! What a blessing to have skills like that!

  3. what a cut blanket..can't wait to see the rosette and the new one you are starting..brown and pink..ccaauute!!!have a great tuesday..and I hope you are in a better mood now..;)

  4. Super cute! I can't believe you learned how to do that from youtube tutorials. That is impressive!!!

  5. I LOVE pink and green together...they were my wedding colors! Secretly I hope I have a little girl some day so I can do everything in that scheme!!

  6. well to be perfectly honest I was taught by a friend back in 2005 but walked away only mastering the first chain stitch which pretty much gets you no where!! I tried so hard before my son was born to crochet him a blanket and failed miserably. fast forward 4 years and a kind friend taught me knitting. I gave up crocheting because I thought it was too hard. LOVE knitting but then I just began searching you tube and the tutorials are awesome, easy and I can rewind and watch 10 million times. I can't believe how many are online and how many awesome women took the time to actually teach strangers. I learned all the basic crocheting stitches for a blanket and just searched for borders. I want to make beanies next but one thing at a time. You all should try it!!!!

  7. It is beautiful!
    Great job!
    I wish you could just teach me, but I might learn from youtube.
    Hope you had a nice day!

  8. I wish I could learn to do that! They make such awesome gifts and mean alot since they are made by hand. I think yours is gorgeous! Also, I have a giveaway on my blog that you might like since you have so many girls...lol!

  9. Ohhh.. it's beautiful!! Love the colors! I'd love to learn to knit, sew, or crochet someday... *sigh*



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