After a much too long hiatus, My wednesday night ladies bible study was back! For the last 3 years, we have done Beth Moore studies... and in 3 years the class still keeps growing. I think if we ever stopped, a pentecostal revolt will happen, with me leading the way! This class fills a HUGE need in our church and the women are soaking it in like a nice dry sponge...
To be honest, I was a little disappointed to hear that we were re-doing a study I have already done. In this class. 3 years ago. Im not one for re-do's when it comes to bible study, But I didn't want to not join in. I also knew that I still had plenty more to learn.... since I {gulp} never finished the study to begin with.
So, with a van full of kids, my kids and my friends kid, we swung by another girlfriends house and picked her up too. It has been a while since we have seen each other so after I yelled at the kids and re-gained control over the very loud music, we began to catch up. Her family has been going through such a hard time... and as the clock ticks, more things keep piling up. I shared a bit about some struggles we are having... mostly homeschooling kids with babies around, finances and the sort... and then the jokes kinda got started...
"Don't you feel like Job??"
" Hello God? Am I your running joke or something..."
" Um... Im down here...screaming for help... did my ear press the mute button on the batphone?"
We laughed because we both knew it wasn't true... But we both felt like it was.
We pulled in, scattered kids to various classes and gave hugs to long lost faces... It felt GOOD to be back in those metal seats and even better to be greeted by Beth Moore's face on the screen.
I was happily surprised to realize I didn't remember anything from 3 years ago. And hearing her words were fresh in my mind.
But as the night went on, her words were like hammers in my head. I felt as if her image became 3-d and she was pointing over to us...
God's name does not appear in the entire book of Esther but as Psalm 138:2 says... Gods name may not be in it but it is all over it....
His name is not appearing on the page on purpose... for when we cannot find God, we have to look to the book in faith.
This study is for women who feel God is not as close as we think He should be..
She talked about the Providence of God. How God not only shows up during momentous events but duringdiaper changes and picking up the same darn toy for a thousandth time. Mundane and trivial times as well....
And while some people might sit and wait for the miracle...
The healing, the check in the mail, the supernatural confidence, etc...
the miracle might just be us going through it!!
( Um, even though the check in the mail might just be easier...maybe.)
NOTHING happens by chance... and coincidences are little miracles in which God wants to remain anonymous.
Perhaps thats what happened in my van last night? A big white van among thousands of cars on the road that night... full of kids and chatter and music ....
With 2 women in the front seat sharing life.... or maybe wanting to escape life for just a bit...
Or even fast forward life to a bit of a better place.
Wondering where God was.... when the miracle would happen... and if we somehow got lost among the other middle aged women of the world.
But God had our number. And He used a video that was over 5 years old...
" For such a time as this...."
I haven't had a chance to talk to my friend since then. She left before I did, but I knew she got the message too. Our sideways glances at each other told me the message was received loud and clear.
So we hold on a bit more... Knowing God still has our back. He's answering our prayers for the purpose of HIS will...
And in the meantime we wait... and build faith...
And realize even God hears our conversations in our van...
This study is for women who feel God is not as close as we think He should be..
She talked about the Providence of God. How God not only shows up during momentous events but during
And while some people might sit and wait for the miracle...
The healing, the check in the mail, the supernatural confidence, etc...
the miracle might just be us going through it!!
( Um, even though the check in the mail might just be easier...maybe.)
NOTHING happens by chance... and coincidences are little miracles in which God wants to remain anonymous.
Perhaps thats what happened in my van last night? A big white van among thousands of cars on the road that night... full of kids and chatter and music ....
With 2 women in the front seat sharing life.... or maybe wanting to escape life for just a bit...
Or even fast forward life to a bit of a better place.
Wondering where God was.... when the miracle would happen... and if we somehow got lost among the other middle aged women of the world.
But God had our number. And He used a video that was over 5 years old...
" For such a time as this...."
I haven't had a chance to talk to my friend since then. She left before I did, but I knew she got the message too. Our sideways glances at each other told me the message was received loud and clear.
So we hold on a bit more... Knowing God still has our back. He's answering our prayers for the purpose of HIS will...
And in the meantime we wait... and build faith...
And realize even God hears our conversations in our van...
{LOL} Why didn't you swing by and pick me up--I totally related!