Friday, June 12, 2009

Fun In A Box

Our sweet mail-lady brought me all sorts of goodies today in the mailbox (which has its FIRST pink clematis bloom btw) My flowers that I bought from wayside nurseries came. Surprisingly, they were boxed and under tons of noodles. Very interesting. I was wondering how they would ship live flowers. Tomorrow I will walk the property and find the perfect place for them. They need full sun and get about 6 ft tall. This will be quite a challenge.
My next package was a blog give-away that I won off of this wonderful bow site. Check out AMY'S great designs. These bows will look beautiful in Molly or Abigail's hair for the upcoming 4th of July holiday. I can't wait!!! Hurry up and order yours. Amy is so sweet and kind and gracious. Must have something to do with the name ;)
I also visited my darling Kirkland's today and came home with great finds! Between coupons and clearance I hit the jackpot. I will post pictures tomorrow. Right now we are off. Its friday night and we have places to go. Im hoping to sweet talk my Gapboy into buying me something with pearls... BIG pearls. Just how I like them. Not real ones silly... just BIG ones. Can't wait.
Have a great weekend
XoXo GapGirl
* Check out more show and tell treasures at KELLI'S house!!!


  1. Thank you for sharing. The bows are very cute and look adorable on your daughter. Have a fun time shopping... hope you get those 'big' pearls ; )

    -Mrs. Teapot

  2. Have a fun weekend & share with us Monday those 'pearls' of wisdom. TTFN ~Marydon

  3. What kind of flowers did you get? I love finding new places for new flowers in my garden. Have fun! Cute bows for a little cutie! I wish my girls were better about keeping pretties in their hair.

  4. The bows will get lots of use this summer. So cute. Have a great weekend.



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