A busy day in our little red house. Im babysitting Discodiva's little Miss Lilah. She fits right in and quickly adopted Hannah as her new BFF. I also found some great clearance Thanksgiving crafts at Acmoore and will attempt to have the kids have a craft day today... followed by 3 pages of math and some Language arts.
Im eagerly awaiting my new school books I ordered last night at CBD and have to browse the online catalog for some more handwriting books and classic literature. Perhaps I can convince Jason to let me place another order.
My kids are still not dressed for the day and my first cup of coffee waits patiently to be digested.
I have to plan dinner and will have Emma assist me with the prepping and cooking. SHe is 11 and should be cooking up a storm by now.
They are master brownie makers though... Hmmm that gives me an idea.... =)
oh my gosh such cute pictures :) Lilah was wiped out she slept in the car for an hour! thanks again so much for letting her come play, we hope to have you guys over soon :)