Friday, March 20, 2009

Darfur Genocide Awareness

Darfur Genocide Awareness

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More and more missions has been on my heart. I have picked up magazines,books and read websites that will teach me more about what is going on around the world. I have my children raising money for the needy for the HEIFER organization and we pray for our church missionaries daily. The passion has caught on and my Hannah has "bonded" with an Indian orphan named GOSALIA.
 I was on one of my few favorite websites and caught this awareness video. Be warned. Its not for the faint of heart. I got sick to my stomach. Not for the images before me, but over the fact this is happening this VERY second and we americans just go on about our life pretending it does not happen... or mostly, not even knowing. We (including myself) are too worried over the next sale, or where we are going out, to eat to sit back and take a second to pray for the persecuted. Or even better yet, to help. Whenever I see these videos or read about the persecuted, the missionaries risking their lives, it makes me want to just get on my knees and pray, sell my belonging and take my children and go help. I want to show them that life is more than physical wants. Gods love and mercy is needed desperately all over the world and we, as His children, need to go.


  1. Thank you for sharing this. I can afford to help out.

    Roberta Anne

  2. Neil and I have a friend who is the greatest person, and Christian ever!!! (We met him trough Neil's work with Black Hat.) He is so amazing and the greatest example! It was always his wife's dream to serve in Africa and He and his family have traveled to Africa multiple times for service missions - and now they are getting ready to move there for a year! With their young children, non-the-less! Their service and selflessness TRULY amazes me!

  3. I just told Jason last night that I wish we could pick up and move to mexico. Not to vacation but to serve in the womens prisons there... the women are allowed to have their kids live in prison with them except its extreme poverty and they don't feed them. We have missionaries that go there to share the gospel and feed and set up schools for them. I really want to go. I think it would be so awesome for the kids to grow up in such a selfless environment. Im trying to find out what organization it was. I want to do more research.



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