Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time For An Update...

Yes, its accountability time. You can read all about my New Year resolutions HERE!!! Im counting on my faithful readers to keep me motivated and to keep me on track. I must admit, when I do/did fall behind in any of my 6 resolutions, I always think of you all and tell myself I just CAN'T disappoint!!!
Without further adu...

1) Well, the weather has been warmer the last few days and I spent some time outside with the kids, pulling the wagon and weeding out my front garden. Does that count as exercise?

2) I have stayed on top of my homeschool planner. Keeping records are vitally important. My computer area has stayed semi-clean and free of papers. My closet is still great and my linen closet as well. I have been trying my best to toss, toss, toss!!!
Shopping day is coming up fast!! I will spend a day or two making my list and purchasing more files and folders (and boxes) My bills will be categorized this weekend!!!

3) At my Banana's b-day party this weekend I was chatting with a fellow mom in my back porch and Debi Pearle was brought up. I squealed with joy and hugged her. She was a fellow Help-Meet girl!! A true rarity if you ask me. We chatted about the book and about how life changing it was. It confirms what I hold so dear. Along with that I have committed to prayer... daily... all the time. What a difference!

4) Oh baby.... A friend had her baby yesterday and posted pictures... Im so happy for her but yet so sad. My most favorite moments with my newest addition is late at night in the hospital. No distractions, no visitors. For a few hours its just us two. Bonding, cuddling and getting to know each other. I so wish for that... just one more time... (or 2...)

5) We are on track!!! With bible reading that is. We slipped again over the weekend. Mostly due to a change of routine with our homeschooling (or lack of it). Weekends always get the worst of us. During the week we are more regimented with our reading and our studies.
Every day or night... we read one Psalm, One chapter in the New Testament (we are in Matthew now) and 2 in the old Testament. While reading chapter 37-38 I let the girls skip a bit after (forgetting) and realizing that sometimes the bible is NOT G RATED!! Sheesh...

6)As far as decorating goes... I have been potty training Abigail. Its going quite well. She has made the wood floors very wet and shiny... does that count?

Well, thats all folks. Check back next week to see if I can keep up!!!


  1. glad to hear that your year is working out well! you are doing a good job!

  2. Keep it up! I have the same trouble getting Bible time in with my kids on the weekend. Especially because some of them spend the night with grandparents or have friends spend the night with us. I've basically dropped our normal Bible time on Sat and Sun. We spend around 45 mins in the mornings mon-fri and also have family worship most evenings. It always stresses me out to get behind and then try to play catch-up. We do prepare for worship Sun morning, so it's not like we're not doing anything. Anyway, that's how I've justified it :)

  3. You seem to be doing AWESOME !!! KEEP IT UP! :)



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