Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Who Says??

Who says Homeschool kids don't get to socialize?

"NOT US!" Squeals 40+ happy homeschool moms and kids who got together for a day of lunch, christian fellowship and Phys Ed.!

Don't you just laugh at some of the silly things people believe when they don't know????

** A special shout out to everyone that was there today. I enjoyed every second of the time shared... and a special thanks to Lisa for opening up her home to controlled chaos,xoxo**

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! Too funny, that I got on to post about the very same thing - homeschool kids supposed 'lack' of socialization! :) Guess you beat me to it. I, too had a great time to day. It was nice to sit and talk with people I know and so many I only know 'in passing'. Looking forward to doing it again.



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